Our Story

In 2022, GLAMODE APPARELS emerged with a clear mission to empower eCommerce independent fashion brands in overcoming the challenges of trendsetting and finding the perfect sourcing ally. Recognizing a glaring gap in the market, we set out to pioneer a tech-powered, end-to-end fashion-sourcing solution that seamlessly bridges the gap from concept to delivery.

Since our inception, we've forged partnerships with numerous eCommerce brands, offering unparalleled fashion sourcing marked by lightning-fast turnaround times and minimal Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs). Our comprehensive suite of services eliminates the complexities of fashion sourcing, providing a streamlined path from design inception to product arrival. At GLAMODE APPARELS, we're dedicated to being the catalyst for your brand's expansion, offering unparalleled support every step of the way.

Our Founders

Surbhi Verma

Co-Founder & Director

An MBA graduate and a family background steeped in the industry, she merges tradition with innovation. Her relentless dedication to quality and sustainability drives every aspect of our company. Join us as we redefine the garment manufacturing landscape with Surbhi at the helm.

Vaibhav Verma

Co-Founder & CEO

The visionary mind behind Glamode Apparels. With a background in IT engineering and a track record of successful ventures since his college days, Vaibhav brings a unique blend of tech expertise and entrepreneurial acumen to the industry.

© Glamode Apparels 2024